At Little Angels Nursery we are committed to providing a high quality service for the children and parents where care and education go hand in hand. We believe children will only realise their true ability in happy, relaxed, safe and secure environment.
Little Angels believe that working in partnership with the parents/guardians and providing a safe secure and stimulating environment all the children will be happy and have a great chance of achieving their full potential.
Little Angels offer home visits prior to a child joining the setting and should your child start, Little Angels offer as many visits as they need to ensure that they are settled, prior to a parent/guardian leaving.
Please feel free to ring the nursery on 01204 306228 /079046099025 or you can email karenjackson1978@sky.com for a brochure.
We hope you enjoy looking at our website.
Dates of closure 21 st August 2023 for 2 weeks.
No fees are charged for these dates closed.
Little Angels Aims
To provide excellent care for children under 8 in the holidays.
To provide excellent nursery care for children 49 weeks of the year from 9.00am-3.00pm or 8.30-4.30 .
To discover and develop each child's natural abilities and to help them achieve to their full potential.
To create a fun, stimulating, safe environment were each child feels secure, safe, valued and confident.
To provide a good child staff ratio at all times.
- Promote British Values.
To provide equal opportunities for the personal, social, physical, cultural, and academic development of every child.
To plan fun stimulating trips and to promote a close working partnership to support the child’s learning and development.
To plan for children’s individuals needs and comply with the EYFS statuary (2021) framework.
Comply with Every Child Matters (2003) and the welfare requirements of the EYFS (2021).To understand the importance of safeguarding children and ensure all staff understand their roles and responsibilities for this
- To promote oral hygiene within the setting .
- To promote healthy eating to the highest standard.
The main aim is for children to be happy, feel like an individual, have lots of fun whilst always ensuring that we build very good partnership with parents and other professionals.
To ensure that the characteristics of effective learning are carried out in all areas of learning and parents have the knowledge of the EYFS (2021) as we like parents to be involved at home too with there child's fun, play and learning.
To ensure the revised Birth to five matters (2021)and the new revised development matters (2021)are used to help us support childrens learning and development .
Making Memories